Joe: The Perfect Man and Unicorn Horns
Double Bill

Unicorn Horns scores NNNNN!!! from Now Magazine. Read more:

DRAMA.CA says that in JOE, "While the lines are often uproariously funny, there are also moments of great poignancy." And in Unicorn Horns, "Major inhabits an absurd world with complete pathos and conviction." Read more:

And check out a write about about Major's sneak preview of Unicorn Horns at the Glendon Campus of York University, where the packed theatre hungrily lapped up this tidbit of absurdism: JOE: The Perfect Man is "some of the most fun you will have at the theatre all year!" And in Unicorn Horns "Major's energy is unflagging!" says EYE WEEKLY.

"This contrasting but complementary pair is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED." – DRAMA.CA